I had this knee pain before I ran marathon, worsen after I ran. Rest for more than a week and it still won't go away. I ran few times 3-4 miles after the big race and it became unbearable pain. I was limping these couple of days. Today I went online to research running related knee pain and found there is a name for this kind of knee pain. It's called runner's knee. On the webpage, it has explaination about how this can happen and a way to test if my pain is caused by runner's knee. Above all, there are treatment and exercise I should use. As a matter of fact, the exercise itself marked as treatment. Huh? I did that simple 3 steps exercise include how to twist my foot and tighten my thigh muscle. . . After that simple exercise, I notice the pain is gone when I walk. It just leave a feeling there as if something is not completely right. But at least I can walk, run a little. I beleive I would be able to run after some more test. Isn't it wonderful?
And I registered my next marathon at Oct 25, 2009 Silicon valley marathon